What can hypnotherapy help with?
Hypnotherapy can address anything originating from the mind. For example, anxiety, phobias, substance abuse including tobacco, sexual dysfunction, undesirable spontaneous behaviors, and bad habits. It can be used to help improve sleep, learning disorders, communication, and relationship issues. Every chronic condition has a psychological component which can be helped with hypnotherapy.
How does hypnotherapy work?
The practitioner (known as a hypnotist) is skilled at getting clients into a state of focused attention (known as hypnosis), much like when you’re totally absorbed in a story you are reading. With this attention turned inward, the practitioner knows how to help the client find in their mind whatever underlies their problem. While in this state of focused attention people are able to make necessary changes to solve their problems.
What is the difference between hypnotherapy and hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of focused attention, like when you’re day-dreaming. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis, this focused attention, to look inward and solve problems.
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Everyone can be hypnotized if they want it. Everyone can avoid being hypnotized if they don’t want it, or if they have a fear of it. Once a person learns that hypnosis is harmless, and that it can only help them, then they let go of their fear, which then allows them to be hypnotized.
Does hypnosis really work?
Hypnosis is highly effective. Often it is the only thing that works, after people have tried everything else. If you search PubMed for research on hypnosis, you’ll find it is highly effective for a wide array of conditions.
Hypnosis is not magic, it’s the natural state of learning. Every several minutes your brain writes information from short-term into long-term memory (i.e. learning). At that moment your brain is in the hypnotic state. Hypnotists have learned to get you into this state and maintain it so that you can re-learn important things that you want to change.
How many sessions does it take?
Every person is different, and hypnosis is used for many different types of problems. In any case, it is typically much quicker than traditional “talk therapy”. For severe problems it may be necessary to have 10 or 12 sessions. Many ordinary problems can be solved in just 2 or 3 sessions.
How long is a hypnosis session?
This is really dependant on both your hypnotherapist and your circumstances. In some situations it is good to reserve time for a 3 hour session. More commonly you can expect 1 to 2 hours.
Do you offer refunds?
We understand that not everyone can be hypnotized. We offer a 100% money back guarantee if we do not deliver.
Why do you charge money?
Hypnotherapy requires patients to be mentally and emotionally committed to fixing their problems. In order to hypnotherapy to be effective, this is a mandatory step required for effectiveness.
Do you offer monthly payment plans?
We currently only take full payments upfront. We are in the process of setting up affordable finance options. Before beginning hypnotherapy, we provide a free over the phone consultation to determine eligibility of the patient.